Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thriving During Your First 90 Days - New Article in Netsoft Career Center

Congratulations!  Through a considerable investment of time, you have managed to land that perfect job with the ideal company and proper compensation. The ordeal is over.  Champagne and roses are much deserved.  Time to rest on your laurels? Only long enough to celebrate your victory.

Your first 90 days may prove to be the most crucial period at your new company. Read entire article here...

Visit the Netsoft Career Center to read this article and more career tips here...

Netsoft is a Technology Search firm, co-founded in 1992 by Randal J. Prout and Eric A. Thoreson and serving Silicon Valley from our office in Santa Clara, California.

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We are a boutique search firm specialized in attracting top talent for positions throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. While we serve Silicon Valley networking and software startup company needs throughout the U.S., we also locate top performers for companies worldwide searching for California-based talent.